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In-House vs Outsourcing: Which Suits Your Project Better?

In House Vs Outsourcing: Which Suits Your Project?

How do you get your software built? There are two main options: build an in-house vs outsource to an external company. In this blog, Newwave Solutions will break down the pros and cons of both approaches, helping you decide the best way to bring your software idea to life.

1. What Are The Difference Between In-House And Outsourcing?

In-house means tasks are done by a company’s employees. Outsourcing delegates tasks to external experts, cutting costs while gaining specialized knowledge and efficiency. In-house vs outsourcing refers to two different methods businesses use to complete tasks and projects. The choice between in-house vs outsourcing hinges on various factors such as budget constraints, required expertise, and the desired level of control. This decision can significantly impact a business’s operational effectiveness and overall success.

In-House Vs Outsourcing Software Development [_newwavesolution]
In-House Vs Outsourcing Software Development: Essential Insights You Need To Know

2. All About In-House Development

2.1. What is in-house development?

In-house development simply means building your software with a team you directly employ at your company. These are your own developers, designers, and other specialists you hire as full-time employees. They work within your company, collaborating and communicating directly to bring your software vision to life.

Think of it like building a house yourself. You hire your own workers (developers) to handle the construction (development) under your supervision.

2.2. Pros and cons of in-house software development

In-house development offers several advantages that can be attractive for businesses looking to build their software:

  • Greater Control and Flexibility: With an in-house team, you have direct control over the entire development process. This allows you to make quick decisions, adjust features on the fly, and ensure the software aligns perfectly with your company’s goals and vision.
  • Stronger Communication and Collaboration: An in-house team fosters closer communication and collaboration between developers, designers, and other stakeholders. Everyone is physically present or readily available, allowing for smoother information sharing and faster problem-solving.
  • Deeper Understanding of Your Business: An in-house team becomes intimately familiar with your company’s specific needs, processes, and culture. This deep understanding allows them to tailor the software to perfectly integrate with your existing systems and workflows.
  • Ownership and Accountability: Having a dedicated in-house team enhances a sense of ownership for the project’s success. This can lead to a more motivated and invested team, ultimately producing higher quality software.
  • Security and Privacy: For projects involving sensitive data or intellectual property, in-house development can offer greater control over security and privacy. You have complete oversight over your team and their access to critical information.

In-house development lets you keep a close eye on things and understand your business needs best. However, when considering in-house vs outsourcing, in-house development also comes with some challenges:

  • Higher Costs: Building an in-house team requires significant investment. You’ll need to cover salaries, benefits, equipment, and office space for your developers, designers, and other specialists. This ongoing cost can be a burden for smaller businesses or those with limited budgets.
  • Limited Skillset: Finding and retaining top talent in the competitive software development market can be difficult. Building a team with all the necessary skills for your project can be expensive and time-consuming. You might end up with a team with a more general skillset, which could slow down development for specialized features.
  • Scalability Issues: In-house teams can be inflexible when it comes to scaling your development needs. Adding or removing developers quickly can be challenging, making it difficult to adapt to changing project requirements or deadlines.
  • Internal Conflicts and Knowledge Gaps: Managing an in-house team can lead to internal conflicts or knowledge gaps within the team. Different team members might have varying skill levels or communication styles, which could hinder collaboration.
  • Staying Up-to-Date: The tech industry evolves rapidly. Keeping your in-house team up-to-date with the latest tech can be expensive. You’ll need training programs to stay ahead of the curve. 

Building your own team isn’t always easy, but it’s definitely worth considering. Weigh the pros and cons carefully before you decide. We will make the most clear comparison at last to give you the overview of must-have salesforce developer skills for success to the most suitable decision.

2.3. How to build an in-house team for your own business?

Thinking of building your own team for your software project? This guide will help you create your dream team:

  • Ask what your goals are: First things first, figure out exactly what kind of software you want to build. What features are crucial? What problems will it solve? Having a clear vision will help you determine the specific skills and expertise you need on your team. 

Not sure where to begin? Our consulting gets you rolling with the first steps, guiding you towards building the perfect team for your project. 

  • Define Key Roles: Identify the key roles needed for your project. Common roles in a software development team include:
  • Project Manager: Oversees the project, manages timelines, and ensures that goals are met.
  • Software Developers: Write and maintain the codebase. This can include front-end developers, back-end developers, and full-stack developers.
  • UI/UX Designers: Design the user interface and user experience, ensuring the software is intuitive and user-friendly.
  • Identify Essential Skills: For each role, list the essential skills and experience required. This could include specific programming languages, tools, and frameworks relevant to your project.
In house development essential tech stack [_newwavesolution]
Building an in-house development team define tech stack
  • Recruiting suitable developers: This might be the toughest part! Look for online job boards and developer communities to find passionate and skilled individuals. Clearly outline the project requirements and the qualities you’re looking for in your team members.
  • Grow your team: As your project progresses, you can add specialists like testers and quality assurance experts.

3. Outsourcing Development And All You Should Know

Outsourcing development, in simple terms, is like hiring a specialist team outside your company to build your software. Instead of building your own team, you contract with an outsourcing partner to handle the development process. When it comes to fintech software outsourcing, this approach allows businesses to leverage industry-specific expertise, ensuring that financial technology solutions are developed efficiently and in compliance with industry standards.

3.1. Outsourcing software development pros and cons

Why outsourcing might be the perfect fit for your project? The reasons are below:

  • Cost Savings: When looking at in-house vs outsourcing, building an in-house team can be expensive. You’ll need to factor in salaries, benefits, equipment, and office space for developers, designers, and other professionals. For example, fintech development outsourcing allows you to tap into a global talent pool, potentially at more competitive rates. This translates into significant cost savings, especially for businesses with limited budgets.
  • No worries for talents: In the in-house vs outsourcing discussion, outsourcing removes geographical limitations, allowing you to find the perfect developer from across the globe, compared to an in-house team restricted by location. You can connect with skilled developers who possess expertise in specific technologies or niches, perfectly suited to your project’s needs. This wide talent pool is a significant advantage when weighing in-house vs outsourcing.
  • Faster Development, Fast Results: When comparing in-house vs outsourcing, outsourcing agencies are often staffed with experienced developers who can start immediately. They follow established development processes and methodologies, which can significantly accelerate the development timeline compared to the slower ramp-up of building an in-house team. This in-house vs outsourcing difference means your software can go to market faster.
  • Easy to Scale Up or Down: In the in-house vs outsourcing debate, flexibility is key. Outsourcing allows you to easily adjust your resources as needed, while an in-house team can be more rigid and harder to scale quickly. This flexibility makes in-house vs outsourcing a crucial consideration when optimizing your budget and development needs.

3.2. What are the primary benefits of outsourcing software development?

While outsourcing offers many advantages, there are also some potential downsides to consider:

  • Communication Challenges: One challenge in in-house vs outsourcing is communication. Outsourcing can introduce barriers such as time zone differences or language issues, whereas in-house teams often have smoother collaboration. Clear communication is essential in in-house vs outsourcing to prevent delays and misunderstandings.
  • Lack of Direct Control: In the in-house vs outsourcing comparison, outsourcing means relinquishing some control over the development process. With in-house teams, you have direct oversight. In contrast, outsourcing requires trust in the agency to deliver on time and within your specifications. This difference between in-house vs outsourcing can be significant, especially when you want close control over project milestones.
  • Security Concerns: In in-house vs outsourcing, security is a major factor, especially for projects involving sensitive data. With an in-house team, you have direct control over security measures. When outsourcing, you must ensure that the agency’s security protocols are strong. The in-house vs outsourcing decision should always consider data privacy and security.
Benefits of Software Development Outsourcing [_newwavesolution]
Benefits of Software Development Outsourcing
  • Quality Control Issues: The in-house vs outsourcing dilemma also involves quality control. In-house teams might have a better understanding of your company’s standards, while outsourcing requires finding a partner with a proven track record. Thorough vetting is essential when deciding between in-house vs outsourcing.
  • Hidden Costs: In the in-house vs outsourcing debate, while outsourcing may appear cheaper up front, hidden fees or unexpected costs can arise. It’s important to clearly outline all expenses in your contract when outsourcing, so you don’t encounter surprises, a frequent issue when evaluating in-house vs outsourcing.
  • Building Relationships Takes Time: Developing a strong working relationship with your outsourcing partner takes time and effort. Clear communication, regular meetings, and a collaborative approach are key to a successful outcome.

>>> See more: Exploring Top 5 Vietnam Software Outsourcing Companies

4. Consider in-house vs outsourcing pros and cons: Which approach suits your business?

Consider in-house vs outsourcing: What is the best for your business?

In house development Outsourcing Development
Control Greater direct control over the development process Involves relinquishing some control to the external team
Cost Have higher costs due to salaries, benefits, and infrastructure.  More cost-effective, with access to potentially lower rates in a global talent pool.
Communication Foster closer communication and collaboration.  Challenge in communication due to time zones or language barriers.
Talent Limited to the talent you can recruit locally.  Offers access to a wider range of specialized skills and expertise globally.
Scalability Scaling an in-house team can be slow and inflexible.  Allows for easier scaling up or down of development resources as needed.

In-house vs outsourcing? Choosing between in-house vs outsourcing development depends on cost, expertise, and control. Outsourcing can be more cost-effective and provide specialized skills, but may come with communication challenges. In-house development offers greater control and alignment with company goals but can be more expensive. Here’s a breakdown to help you decide:

In house vs outsourcing software development [_newwavesolution]
In house vs outsourcing software development

Good fit for in house Development:

  • Long-term, core business projects: When software is central to your business operations and requires ongoing development, an in-house team ensures close control and alignment with your strategy.
  • Projects with strict security requirements: If your software handles sensitive data, having a dedicated in-house team allows for stricter control over security protocols.
  • Need for constant communication and collaboration: Complex projects with frequent changes might benefit from the close communication and collaboration fostered by an in-house team.

Good fit for Outsourcing:

  • Short-term, well-defined projects: When you need a specific software solution built quickly and efficiently, outsourcing can leverage a pre-existing talent pool to deliver within a tight timeframe.
  • Limited budget: Outsourcing can be a cost-effective option for companies with limited resources for building and maintaining a full-time development team.
  • Need for specialized skills: If your project requires outsourcing tech expertise in fintech sector, fintech software development outsourcing allows you to tap into a global talent pool, providing access to specialized professionals and technologies that perfectly fit the unique needs of your fintech venture.

In general, between in-house vs outsourcing, in-house development is ideal for long-term, strategic projects where control, security, and constant communication are paramount while outsourcing shines for well-defined, short-term projects with budget constraints or a need for specialized skills not readily available in-house.

5. Are There Any Other Ways Of Software Development Instead Of In-House Vs Outsourcing?

Absolutely yes! There are a few other approaches to software development besides the traditional in house vs outsourcing models. Today we are going to suggest some:

5.1. Hybrid Development

This approach combines elements of both in-house development and outsourcing. You might have a core in-house team for handling critical project aspects and then outsource specific tasks or functionalities to external agencies with specialized expertise. This allows you to leverage the benefits of both models: control over core development with access to a wider talent pool and cost-efficiency for specialized tasks.

5.2. Low-Code/No-Code Development Platforms

These platforms offer a visual and user-friendly way to build software applications without extensive coding knowledge. They are ideal for simpler projects or businesses with limited technical expertise. While they might not be suitable for complex software, they can be a faster and more cost-effective way to build basic applications or prototypes.

5.3. Freelance Marketplaces

Platforms like Upwork or Fiverr allow you to connect with freelance developers and designers for specific project needs. This can be a more flexible option compared to traditional outsourcing agencies, offering access to a wider range of individual talent at potentially competitive rates. However, thorough vetting of freelancers and clear communication are crucial for success.

5.4. Open Source Development

This involves leveraging existing open-source software code as a foundation for your project. You can customize and build upon an existing codebase, reducing development time and costs. However, contributing to the open-source community and ensuring the software aligns with your specific needs can be additional considerations.

6. Conclusion

Choosing between in-house vs outsource development, or any other options depends on your specific project needs and resources. Both outsourced vs in-house team offer benefits and also challenges for your business. Building your own in-house team gives you more control and keeps things close to home, but it can be expensive and finding the perfect crew might take time. On the other hand, outsourcing lets you tap into a global pool of talent and potentially save some cash, but communication and keeping an eye on things can be trickier.

So, weigh the pros and cons, grab your toolbox, and get ready to build something amazing! Whether you go in-house or outsource, with the careful planning and software development services of Newwave Solutions, you can turn your vision into reality.

Contact us today and let’s discuss how we can help you achieve your business goals.

Contact Information:

  • Head Office (Hanoi): 1F, 4F, 10F, Mitec Building, Duong Dinh Nghe Street, Yen Hoa Ward, Cau Giay District, Hanoi City, Vietnam
  • Branch Office (Tokyo): 1chōme118 Yushima, Bunkyo City, Tokyo 1130034, Japan
  • Hotline: +84 985310203
  • Website:
  • Email: [email protected]

Frequently Asked Questions:

What is the difference between in-house development and outsourcing?

  • In-house development uses a company’s own employees to complete tasks, while outsourcing involves hiring external experts. In-house offers more control but can be costly, whereas outsourcing can be more affordable with access to specialized skills.

What are the advantages of in-house software development?

  • In-house development provides greater control, stronger communication, a deeper understanding of the business, and better security. However, it can be expensive and may have limitations in scalability and expertise.

What are the benefits of outsourcing software development?

  • Outsourcing offers cost savings, faster development, and access to a global talent pool. It allows flexibility in scaling resources but may face communication challenges and security concerns.

When should a business choose outsourcing over in-house development?

  • Outsourcing is ideal for short-term projects with a limited budget or those requiring specialized skills. In contrast, in-house development suits long-term projects needing constant communication, control, and high security.


To Quang Duy is the CEO of Newwave Solutions, a leading Vietnamese software company. He is recognized as a standout technology consultant. Connect with him on LinkedIn and Twitter.

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