Turning a Real Estate Software into a Powerful Toolkit to Connect the Real Estate Community

Newwave Solution’s client was incredibly impressed with our knowledge of the real estate software market and our team’s effort to get them where they expected. Our client was involved throughout the project to enhance the project creatively and make sure it was in alignment with their business objectives.
Table Of Contents
Toggle1. Introduction of Propcom Real Estate Software
Propcom web and app system has created a professional and active community for brokers and those who are interested in technology, real estate, and finance to connect and share their expertise and investment opportunities. At the same time, this real estate software development solution creates an ideal platform for brokers to advance their career opportunities.
2. The Challenges
The client contacted Newwave Solution with the intent of building a new system. There had been a great need for a mutual app for members in real estate, technology and finance, but it was not easy to create one that can meet the expectations of users.
On the other hand, in order to build such a real estate software, we had to:
- Build a learning management system to create online courses
- Build a trading system – Build a social media for real estate
- Build a continuous digital transaction system
- Develop Play-to-Earn games
- Use complicated technology platforms such as microservices, message queue and container orchestration
3. Our Solutions
a. Team Size
Newwave Solution set up a dedicated team with 1 Project Manager, 1 Project Assistant, 1 UX / UI designers, 1 Native Web App Developers, 1 Agile Master.
b. Technology Stack
- Platform: Web and Mobile (Android / iOS), Google Maps
- Type: Cross Platform
- Programming Frameworks: Flutter, Angular, VueJS, WordPress, NodeJS, MongoDB, Wowza, RocketChat
- Technology: AWS / Mobile cross-platform
- Programming Language: JavaScript / Typescript / Dart / Swift / Kotlin
- Management tool: Jira
- Management Methodology: Agile
c. Main Features of the App
Based on Newwave Solutions’ research, there has been a great need for a mutual app for investors interested in real estate, technology and finance, but it was not easy to create one that can meet the expectations of all users. Therefore, we studied and analyzed many apps that have similar functions both in Vietnam and foreign markets to gain a deeper understanding of what should be improved and successfully create a unique system that offers many special features. The key features of this real estate software are as follows:
- E-Learning system with courses for brokers and the real estate communities
- A miniature real estate social network
- A streamlined trading system with easy order and payment management
- Play-to-earn game system
Establishing a Unique Business Identity with an Outstanding Real Estate Software
Our first goal was to differentiate Propcom from its competitors. Newwave Solutions’ team highlighted their unique value proposition – “Connecting Investment Community” and their abundance and unique products and services, namely online investment training courses, a trading system, social media platform to enhance user engagement and Play-to-Earn games.
In addition to that, our team decided to change this real estate software’s architecture to increase ease of navigation ensuring that users can quickly access the function they are interested in.
Crafting a Modern, Professional, and Bold Web App Graphics and Interfaces
For this real estate software’s interface, we use a warm color palette with red as the main tone, custom graphics and full-width page layouts that hit customers’ sights instantly as they see the website and app. The bold font was utilized to provide a sense of modern, active, and professional web and app.
Increasing Propcom Online Visibility
We increased Propcom’s online visibility from a few different angles, including developing iOS and Android apps as users are spending more time on smartphones, and creating “Community” pages that feature listings and knowledge sharing that are unique to investment communities. These pages not only increased the website search visibility for their respective communities but also opened the door for PPC advertising. Leads can be generated through this real estate software via newsletter registration and a contact form that links with CRM.
4. The Impacts
This real estate software has set a firm foundation for the client’s core systems so they can continue to upgrade and grow in the future. The software IP and hosting are owned by the client, the source code was transferred to the client upon transition; thus, reducing their reliance on a third-party company.
Since Propcom was deployed, there has been a remarkable increase in the number of new members actively sharing on the community page. With the new trading systems and contract registration forms linked with CRM, brokers now can actively reach out to new projects and clients without having to be dependent on anyone. They can streamline transactions and nurture clients anytime, anywhere. After 6 months of operation, the client reported that the number of leads increased by 25% compared to the year-to-year period. The quality of the lead was also increased by 65%.
Let’s see what our client has to say about us:
“With a deep understanding of the typical business culture in real estate industry, Propcom’s technology solutions meet 99% of the digital transformation needs of businesses.
We need Newwave Solutions to help us develop Propcom project with the aim to create a stable, professional brokerage community while empowering brokers to get rich. Propcom – real estate technological application – was born as a solution to help brokers “turn upstream” not only to overcome difficulties but also to accelerate “seal the deal” successfully. This is a smart application that integrates many outstanding features with an intuitive interface and simple manipulation. Instead of being passive and involved in with many people and many stages as in the traditional way, brokers can now actively select projects or search and manage customers as well as trade 24/7 right on the Propcom platform.” – Ms. Nhung Nguyen – CEO of Propcom shared on GoodFirms.
If you want to rejuvenate your website to keep up with the digitization process and changing market demands, book a consultation session with Newwave Solutions to build excellent real estate software!
5. About Newwave Solutions
Newwave Solution is a Vietnamese trusted software engineering partner to hundreds of reputable multinational organizations across the globe. Our team has been assisting them in developing and making their software products more robust, efficient, and scalable. We apply the latest technologies to deliver innovative solutions for clients.
Our efforts have been highly appreciated by both clients as well as the global tech community. We have strongly invested in improving our team capabilities, organizational processes, and culture to deliver a truly collaborative ecosystem for solving technology challenges. Our culture is rooted in passion, result orientation, and continuous improvement.
To Quang Duy is the CEO of Newwave Solutions, a leading Vietnamese software company. He is recognized as a standout technology consultant. Connect with him on LinkedIn and Twitter.